With the issuance of the Canadian Bar Association’s Futures report and the adoption of new rules permitting limited license legal technicians in Washington State in the United States, coming on the heels of the American Bar Association’s 2020 amendments to ethics rules, the practice of law has shifted in ways both small and large. 

Veranstaltungsart: Seminar

Mandarin Oriental, 500 Brickell Key Drive, Miami FL 33131
Startdatum / -uhrzeit:
28 February 2016, 9:00 AM ET
Enddatum / -uhrzeit:
28 February 2016

With increased mobility of lawyers and cross border transactions and dispute resolution, as well as multijurisdictional law firms, notions of who is authorized to practice law where, and for how long, and who may assist, have become blurred and unclear, if not opaque. Rules remain, but their application is under increasing challenge.

This plenary session features speakers who will explore best practices and the rules of professional responsibility where the choice of law and applicable rules are not always self-evident.