While it may not always be obvious at first, unclaimed property can have significant legal implications that practitioners should keep in mind. Sara Lima, Freda Pepper, and Autumn Homza, members of Reed Smith’s unclaimed property team, have significant experience in this area and can help you spot the pitfalls.

Referent: Sara A. Lima Autumn D. Homza

Veranstaltungsart: Webinar

Startdatum / -uhrzeit:
20 January 2021, 2:00 PM ET
Enddatum / -uhrzeit:
20 January 2021, 3:00 PM ET

In this webinar, they will discuss issues including when to escalate an issue and involve legal counsel, the differences between a VDA and an audit, False Claims Act considerations, and an update on unclaimed property litigation around the country.

This program is presumptively approved for 1.0 CLE credit in California, Connecticut, Illinois, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Texas and West Virginia. Applications for CLE credit will be filed in Delaware, Florida, Ohio, and Virginia. Attendees who are licensed in other jurisdictions will receive a uniform certificate of attendance but Reed Smith only provides credit for the states listed. Please allow 4-6 weeks after the program to receive a certificate of attendance.