Join us on Thursday, November 7, for regulatory insights following the U.S. Presidential election.

Referent: Daniel H. Ahn Will Atherton Mark E. Bini Christopher R. Brennan Luis G. Fortuño Leigh T. Hansson Scot T. Hasselman Hadas A. Jacobi Michael J. Lowell Kendra Perkins Norwood Rizwan A. Qureshi

Veranstaltungsart: Webinar, CLE / CPD

Startdatum / -uhrzeit:
7 November 2024, 11:00 AM ET
Enddatum / -uhrzeit:
7 November 2024, 12:00 PM ET

As GCs and Chief Compliance officers begin to translate what the outcome means for their business, our multi-disciplinary team will be considering the practical regulatory implications from various angles, including international trade, antitrust, healthcare, government contracts and financial regulatory.

CLE Information: This program is presumptively approved for 1.0 CLE credit in California, Connecticut, Illinois, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Texas, and West Virginia. Applications for CLE credit will be filed in Delaware, Florida, Ohio, and Virginia. Attendees who are licensed in other jurisdictions will receive a uniform certificate of attendance, but Reed Smith only provides credit for the states listed. Please allow 4-6 weeks after the program to receive a certificate of attendance.