Dear A. Scott:

It has been a minute since we last checked in with one another. Over 85 million dollars in revenues generated later for Reed Smith (“RS”), I think we have a lot to talk about, my friend.

Autoren: A. Scott Bolden

I remember when I started at RS. It was on a whim. I was not recruited out of law school by a big firm and had no interest in one. Lawyers of color did not last long and the ones that did, were so out of touch with one another and their communities, I just did not think it would be a good fit. But, when you are working on the DC Council for $35k a year, after serving as an Assistant District Attorney for 4 years in Manhattan, New York, and not litigating (my true love), a chance to get back into litigation, even at a big firm, was a shot, I could not pass on. And, I saw it as a challenge to defy the odds and all of my negative notions I had about large law firms, and lawyers of color. If selected, I would do it “my way”.

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