Financial services providers constantly face pressure in the changing litigation environment. Maintaining awareness is no longer enough – you have to stay ahead of the trends to help manage priorities and mitigate risk.

Speakers: Diane A. Bettino Justin J. Kontul Perry A. Napolitano Jordan W. Siev Stephanie Wilson

Event Type: Webinar

Start Date/Time:
1 November 2017, 12:00 PM EDT
End Date/Time:
1 November 2017, 1:00 PM EDT

The Reed Smith Financial Services Litigation team will provide updates and insights that highlight current litigation hot topics, trends, and tactics for managing your litigation portfolio.

Topics will include:

  • Data Security Breaches
  • FCRA and TCPA Trends
  • Bankruptcy and Mortgage Litigation Trends
  • Regulatory Threats and Disputes
  • And more.....