This session serves as an excellent introduction to what in-house lawyers should know about e-discovery, for lawyers who have limited background in the area, as well as an update on the latest developments for more seasoned litigators and e-discovery practitioners.

Speakers: David R. Cohen Patricia E. Antezana

Event Type: Webinar, CLE / CPD

Start Date/Time:
12 May 2020, 12:00 PM EDT
End Date/Time:
12 May 2020, 1:00 PM EDT

Find out what Advice we all should follow. What are e-discovery Best practices for businesses today?  What has Changed or is changing in the world of e-discovery? And how can we avoid Danger areas that, if not properly navigated, can result in unnecessary costs, burdens, and even sanctions? Come to this informative session to learn answers to these questions and much more.