LONDON - Jonathan Andrews, a trainee solicitor sitting in Reed Smith’s Entertainment & Media Industry Group, attended the United Nations Conference of State Parties to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in June, as a representative of the Commonwealth Children and Youth Disability Network (CCYDN).

Related Professionals: Jonathan J. Andrews

During the conference, Jonathan was elected as inaugural chair of the CCYDN by its committee and chaired the network’s international launch - having served as interim chair since the UK launch of the network at the House of Lords in March 2019.

Jonathan, who is also a committee member of LEADRS, Reed Smith’s business inclusion group for people with disabilities, said: “I’m delighted to represent the CCYDN. It is our mission to ensure no child or young person is left behind and that the voices of all children and young people across the Commonwealth can be heard. I’m honoured to be chosen as the first-ever chair of the network and pleased to contribute to, and champion, Reed Smith’s continued involvement with the United Nations.”

The CCYDN aims to increase access to platforms for children and young people with disabilities as changemakers, and to influence positive change on issues that matter to them.