Reed Smith In-depth

Key takeaways

  • China’s AI regulatory regime is rapidly evolving
  • Comprehensive AI regulations have been adopted for AI products and services
  • Compliance actions are crucial for risk management

Today, innovations in AI are reshaping the future of every industry. AI has already become the main driver of emerging technologies, and generative AI like ChatGPT has further expanded the popularity of AI. As AI continues to transform industries, legislation and law enforcement to regulate AI have become increasingly important.

Apart from the global development of AI laws (e.g ground-breaking EU AI Act effective as of 1 August 2024), the regulatory landscape governing AI is also rapidly developing in China. This alert will try to analyse recent developments in the AI industry and their implications for business organisations.

Regulatory regime in China

China is leading the way in rolling out regulations on AI. Significant legal developments over the last few years are spreading across various policies and regulations, including the Interim Measures for Administration of Generative AI Services (Generative AI Measures), the Administrative Provisions on Deep Synthesis of Internet-based Information Services (Deep Synthesis Provisions), the Trial Measures for Ethical Review of Science and Technology Activities (Ethical Review Measures) and the Administrative Provisions on Algorithm Recommendation for Internet Information Services (Algorithm Recommendation Provisions).