Oradores:: Marjorie C. Holmes

Tipo de evento: Seminario

Nombre de la ubicación:
Sheraton Brussels Hotel, Place Rogier 3, Brussels 1210
Fecha/hora de inicio:
18 September 2014, 8:30 AM France Daylight Time
Fecha/hora de finalización:
18 September 2014, 6:25 PM France Daylight Time

Why you should attend

Competition law is becoming more important in the shipping sector, with an ever increasing degree of scrutiny as exemplified by the European Commission’s recent investigations into price signalling by a number of container shipping liners.

Moreover, breaching competition law rules can be hugely costly, and recent legal developments, investigations and decisions by the Commission will affect the shipping industry and shape its future opportunities.

IBC Legal’s Competition Law Challenges in the Shipping Sector conference will allow you to debate the wide-ranging consequences of recent policies and assess how to comply with competition law.

What you will learn

  • Renewal of the block exemption
  • Recent case law and on-going cartel investigations, including RoRo
  • Creation of mega-alliances such as P3 and G6
  • Mergers
  • Investigations into price signalling
  • State aid and restructuring
  • Information exchange and co-operation
  • Capacity
  • Transparency and regulation
  • International regulatory coordination 

Join Reed Smith Partner Marjorie Holmes for her panel entitled "Alliances". Topics will include: 

  • Need for co-operation and consolidation: the do’s and don’ts
  • Review of current alliances such as CKYHE
  • The creation of mega-alliances such as P3 and G6
    • What are the regulatory approval processes and how do they differ internationally?
    • What are the competition law challenges and how can they be overcome?
  • Recent case law and its practical impact
  • Review of recent developments and policy debates in the EU, US and Asia
    • What can be learned from Chinese liners?


Download the .PDF below to read full details.