With less than six months until the implementation of the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), organizations should begin considering how to extend their compliance effort beyond data mapping and data privacy planning to operationalizing the CCPA throughout an entire organization.

Tipo de evento: Seminario web

Nombre de la ubicación:
Reed Smith Webinar
Fecha/hora de inicio:
10 July 2019, 2:00 PM EDT
Fecha/hora de finalización:
10 July 2019, 3:00 PM EDT

This program will provide an brief update on the status of the new California privacy law and apply five steps for operationalizing the GDPR to CCPA implementation, including:

  1. Understand your organization’s governance, data and processing
  2. Address supply chain and business partners’ considerations
  3. Prepare for the exercise of data subject rights
  4. Document an appropriate information security programs
  5. Develop methods for on-going compliance and assessment of accountability.