Latin American business news and analysis service Latinvex has ranked Reed Smith among the top 20 international law firms doing business in Latin America in 2024.

In addition, Latinvex ranked Reed Smith #6 in its list of Latin America’s top firms for arbitration; #8 in its list of the region’s top firms for insurance; and #10 in its list of top firms for litigation.

Prominent international arbitration partners José Astigarraga and Francisco Rivero, business and finance partner Lee Ann Dillon, and commercial disputes partner Felipe Berer appear regularly in Latinvex top lawyer lists.

Reed Smith’s Latin America business team routinely handles a range of transactions, projects, disputes and other matters throughout Latin America, leveraging native Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking lawyers to oversee these matters most efficiently.

Reed Smith has been part of Latinvex’s top list every year going back to 2017.