Reed Smith Client Alerts

Key takeaways

  • The ongoing CDK Global cyber event is likely to financially impact many auto dealerships and other affected businesses
  • Businesses may have insurance coverage for those losses through a cyber policy, a property policy, a business owners policy, or other types of policies
  • Businesses should immediately take several steps to protect their rights and maximize potential insurance recovery

Ramifications from the CDK cyber event continue to evolve. While the ultimate impact on auto dealerships remains uncertain, the CDK outage has already caused and likely will continue to cause significant financial damage. Dealerships and other dependent businesses may have insurance coverage for the losses incurred. However, it is critical that these businesses take steps now to protect their rights and maximize potential insurance recovery.

First, companies that have been or may be at risk of being impacted by the CDK cyber event should reach out to their broker or insurance coverage counsel as soon as possible to identify insurance policies that potentially may respond. They may have coverage through a cyber policy, a property policy, a business owners policy, or other insurance policies depending on the company’s program (which could be individualized to a dealership or part of an insurance program provided on a group basis). Among other things, companies may have coverage for the business interruption caused by the CDK cyber event. Even though a company, as the policyholder, may not have directly suffered a cyber-attack, insurance may cover losses caused by an attack on a business partner or vendor. This type of coverage is referred to as “contingent business interruption” and may be included in a cyber policy or otherwise part of a larger insurance program.