Intervenants: Cynthia O'Donoghue Donald C. Reinke

Type d’évènement: Formation juridique continue, Conférence

Quadrus Conference Center, 2400 Sand Hill Rd, Menlo Park CA 94025
Date/heure de début
10 October 2012, 8:00 AM PDT
Date/heure de fin
10 October 2012, 11:30 AM PDT

Are you collecting massive amounts of data about customers or employees?

How are companies turning this data into revenue?

What are the Big Data technologies and business models of the future?

We hope that you will join Accel Partners, Splunk, TIBCO, CoreLogic, and other leaders in the Valley and the Big Data field to discuss:

  1. Monetization of Big Data 
  2. Compliance with Global Privacy Laws 
  3. Future Big Data trends

For more information, or to register, please click here.