At Reed Smith, we understand that nurturing a working culture rich in diversity, where everyone is included, treated fairly and feels secure in the knowledge that they are valued and respected, is key to our success.

In 2022, we set out to develop a new DEI mission statement that expresses this idea. The result is All Rise.

This year’s CLE series focuses on three areas that we believe require prioritization if we are to be successful in advancing this mission across the legal industry.

Type d’évènement: Diversité, Equité & Inclusion, Webinar, Formation juridique continue

Date/heure de début
10 August 2023, 12:00 PM EDT
Date/heure de fin
10 August 2023, 1:00 PM EDT
More Information:
DEI CLE Series: Session 2

An organization is nothing without its people- and as value of diversity on business has never been clearer- the need for recruiting and retaining diverse talent in the legal industry has never been greater. In this session, attendees will hear from industry experts on best practices for recruiting and retaining diverse talent.