Reed Smith and co-host KoAM Global are pleased to host a full-day educational and networking event, bringing together digital health startups with finished or nearly finished products for market launch, established U.S. digital health companies and research institutions that are potential buyers and/or collaborators for participating startups, and “navigators” consisting of trade associations, lawyers, investment bankers, and research hospitals to help companies identify market opportunities and challenges.

Intervenants: Sung W. Park

Type d’évènement: Conférence

Date/heure de début
17 October 2024, 9:00 AM EDT
Date/heure de fin
17 October 2024, 6:00 PM EDT

For more information or to register your interest in participating, please contact Sung Park.

Attendance at this event will provide:

  • Educational opportunities: learn to identify obstacles and learn how to avoid or overcome such obstacles when launching digital health products in the US.
  • Connections: connect with leaders in digital health, including successful startups, leaders of trade associations, bankers, legal advisors, and others.
  • New opportunities for innovation: find potential colleagues, collaborators, buyers, and providers of innovative technology and/or products.
  • Guidance from and access to thought-leaders: hear from those who can navigate and help bring your product to the market, including participation from:
    • Leading medical product companies
    • Academic institutions
    • Law firms
    • Investment banks