The 2019 negotiations focused on three key goals: 1) innovation; 2) leveling the playing field between signatories and non-signatories; and 3) simplification. Below is a summary of the key changes made to the commercials contract (the contract) to accomplish these goals during the new three-year term, April 1, 2019 through March 31, 2022.
- The contract includes a new, simplified “Alternate Compensation Structure” (ACS) available to signatory advertisers and signatory advertising agencies on June 1, 2019.
a. “Full Bundle” (Upfront Plus) option:
- Session fee plus flat use fee for one year of use.
- Includes up to 10 Class A uses and unlimited use in all other media.
b. “Made For Digital and OTT Bundle” (Digital Upfront) option:
- Session fee plus flat use fee for one year of use.
- Unlimited use on Internet, new media, and over-the-top (OTT) platforms.
c. “A la Carte” (Upfront Flex) option:
- Session fee plus guarantee.
- As with celebrity agreements, use is credited against the guarantee.
- Flat rates for each 13-week cycle of use based on five consolidated media silos.
- Class A uses may be credited or purchased for $100 per use.
d. Signatory advertisers and signatory agencies who elect the ACS, will also have extended and more flexible editing rights. There are three categories of edits: 1) permitted edits (free); 2) paid edits (flat fee payment based on session fee with no additional residuals beyond the base spot); and 3) addressable edits.
e. These new ACS benefits will be significantly more flexible and cost effective than the prior contract.
- SAG-AFTRA recognized Association of National Advertisers’ (“ANA”) #SeeHer initiative and agreed to work together with the JPC on joint events and other opportunities.