What is the NIS2 Directive?

The European Union has introduced a significant piece of legislation known as the Network and Information Security Directive (NIS2 Directive), aimed at strengthening the cybersecurity defenses of essential and important entities across various sectors. This new law will become enforceable on October 18, 2024, with specific deadlines for compliance reporting by April 2025, and an earlier deadline of January 17, 2025, for those in digital infrastructure.

Who does the NIS2 Directive apply to?

NIS2 applies to essential and important entities that have:

  • Over 50 employees
  • An annual turnover exceeding €10 million

Essential entities are those in the energy, transport, banking, financial market infrastructure, health sectors and drinking water supply and distribution, digital infrastructure, and telecoms and cloud providers.

Important entities are social media and other digital providers, and businesses involved in research; food production; manufacturing; machinery and equipment; transport equipment; postal and courier services; waste management; and the manufacture/production/distribution of chemicals.

What are the implications for your business?

If this new law applies to your business, you will be required to:

  1. Conduct thorough risk assessments
  2. Implement robust security protocols
  3. Ensure the security of your supply chain
  4. Report any security incidents

What are the consequences if you do not comply with this new law?

Non-compliance with the NIS2 Directive can result in severe penalties, including fines up to 2 percent of your global annual turnover or €20 million – whichever is higher. Additionally, there is potential for personal liability for senior management and possible restrictions on your ability to provide services. Ensuring compliance not only meets legal requirements but also strengthens your defenses against potential cyber threats.

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