活动类型: 研讨会

1650 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103
19 February 2004
19 February 2004

Managers now acknowledge the importance of intellectual property (“IP”) in maximizing the value of a business. More importantly, the importance of IP is now being recognized more broadly, as all businesses come to realize the importance of innovation and technical leadership.

However, maximizing the value of IP requires more than an R&D budget and a willingness to pursue patents and trademarks. IP must be driven by market requirements, and IP strategy must account for competitive, financial, and transactional factors.

To help Philadelphia’s innovative companies further their understanding of these issues, Reed Smith and First Principles have organized the Managing Intellectual Property seminar. Listen to experts share their experiences with IP management, ask questions in a round-table format, and then meet them personally in a networking session.

Expert panelists from First Principles, Goldenberg Rosenthal, Innovation Philadelphia and Reed Smith will lead the roundtable discussion.

Morning Seminar Agenda

8:00 – Registration & Coffee
8:15 – Presentation: 

  • Definition & Value of IP
  • Legal Management of IP
  • Financial Management of IP
  • IP Transactions

8:45 – Roundtable Discussion
9:45 – Conclusion & Networking

For registration information, please view the attached .pdf file or contact Rebecca Blaw, 215.241.7903.