The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) creates rules of the road for sharing personal information, including the requirement for a prominent “Do Not Sell” opt-out feature. But the CCPA hasn’t really changed how organizations should think about protecting the personal information they provide to service providers and business partners. Fundamental questions remain: How much diligence is appropriate? How can an organization operationalize repeatable and defensible business processes to oversee these third parties?

发言人:: Gerard M. Stegmaier Wendell J. Bartnick

活动类型: 网络研讨会, 继续法律教育(CLE)或继续专业发展(CPD)

Reed Smith Webinar
11 September 2019, 1:00 PM CDT
11 September 2019, 2:00 PM CDT

Please join the Reed Smith IP, Tech & Data Group for a CLE webinar to discuss how organizations can approach third-party information sharing under the CCPA. The program will discuss:

  • How can a business determine whether a vendor will be deemed a “service provider” or a “third party” under the CCPA?
  • Practical considerations in B2B relationships where businesses may have multiple roles under CCPA
  • A risk-based approach to updating third-party agreements, including whether it is necessary to update agreements that already have good privacy and data security provisions or that have recently been updated for the GDPR?
  • Is affiliate-sharing “special” under the CCPA? What about all of the privacy policies that are written to describe collection and use of data by a group or “family” of companies?
  • How might consumers be notified about third-party sharing in connection with off-line (real world) collection of data?