Major changes are on the horizon as 2021 ushers in a new era for both sides of the pond. With the UK experiencing its formal exit from the European Union and the U.S. inaugurating a new administration, we pause to take stock and consider what important global changes lie ahead for our clients. Should we expect increased convergence or divergence in regulatory and enforcement priorities? Will there be a return to a pre-Trump level of U.S.-EU relations and cooperation and, if so, how will that affect business on both sides of the Atlantic? Crucially, how can businesses prepare and succeed during a time of turbulent change?

发言人:: Leigh T. Hansson Marjorie C. Holmes Daniel Kadar Rosanne Kay Michael J. Lowell Michelle A. Mantine Yves Melin Cynthia O'Donoghue Isabelle Rahman Edward B. Schwartz Katherine J. Seikaly

活动类型: 继续法律教育(CLE)或继续专业发展(CPD), 网络研讨会

11 February 2021
11 February 2021

For this webinar, we've brought together a cross-Atlantic team from the UK, Brussels, France, Germany and the U.S. to provide practical tips and insights on key topics, including:

  • Antitrust
  • National security and foreign investment
  • Brexit
  • Corporate crime
  • Privacy
  • International Trade: export controls and sanctions.

Session 1 - Biden, Brexit and beyond: a transatlantic view of key regulatory and enforcement trends for 2021

  • Thursday, February 11, 2021, 01:00 PM GMT

Session 2 - Biden, Brexit and beyond: a transatlantic view of key regulatory and enforcement trends for 2021

  • Thursday, February 11, 2021, 01:00 PM EST