Eric M. Chir Photo
As a member of Reed Smith's Records & E-Discovery Group, Eric's primary focus is assisting corporate clients dealing with records retention and contract review needs.  He has considerable experience with due diligence reviews and complex contract analysis for clients in the financial services and healthcare industries.  Eric has also participated in multiple document retention and legal hold analysis projects, and has drafted responses to discovery requests, answers to interrogatories, and privilege logs for trial counsel.  Eric is proficient in the use of advanced culling and review software, which enables him to quickly provide key issues analysis and examples to case teams in support of motions practice. 


  • Duquesne University School of Law, 2007, 法学博士, Moot Court Competition (2005)
  • Pennsylvania State University, 2000, 理学学士, Marketing

  • 宾夕法尼亚州

  • 州最高法院-宾西法尼亚

  • Allegheny County Bar Association – Member of Health Law Section
  • Pennsylvania Bar Association