Reed Smith Client Alerts

Key takeaways

  • Strengthening board independence
  • Promoting diversity in the board and workforce
  • Enhancing risk management and internal controls

The Hong Kong Stock Exchange (HKSE) published a consultation paper on the Corporate Governance Code (Code) on 14 June 2024. HKSE has put forward a series of revisions to the Code, committing to improve the quality of Hong Kong listed companies by enhancing corporate governance standards, and promoting the attractiveness and long-term development of the Hong Kong capital market. The revised Code will help Hong Kong listed issuers to create more diverse boards while strengthening their risk management and internal controls.

The key proposed revisions introduce the following new requirements for the internal control of Hong Kong listed issuers:

1     Improving board effectiveness

a. Additional designation of a lead independent non-executive director: A lead independent non-executive director must be designated if the board chair is not independent.